As an extension of our clients’ staff CoreTech’s technology experts help businesses meet daily requirements, in addition to strategic technology consulting needs. Their services include planning and consulting, IT support, cloud computing and hosted services, network design, QuickBooks Solutions, and software and equipment purchasing. CoreTech also has a division, SecureTech, that provides networked video surveillance and access control, and cloud-based services.

Celebrating 12 years of serving small to mid-sized businesses, CoreTech’s commitment to providing proven services and expertise to tackle technology problems continues to resonate with their clients.

What do you think makes you different from other companies similar to yours?  The way we approach client relationships. We work toward building an integrated partnership, and thus function as an extension of our clients’ staff. Small and midsize businesses today use technology more extensively than they have in the past, they require partners that are effective and relationship oriented.

What changes have you seen in the industry and your company in the past few years? Our industry is constantly in transition, which means our business is growing and changing as well. The consumerization of technology with the use of smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. has impacted our business and how we service clients. Employees are bringing their devices to work and using them for work. We help clients manage and secure the devices, in addition to making business applications accessible on those devices.

CoreTech is making a significant investment as a company in order to provide top-notch services to our clients. Cloud computing makes it easier for companies to take advantage of updated technology and the capabilities. In addition, we have found that more small and midsize businesses are willing to partner with a technology provider, invest in technology, and see an increase in revenues without having to add additional staff. Typically, enterprise businesses implement this approach, however small and midsize businesses are able to take advantage of the approach as well.

With the addition of cloud computing, there are a lot of options including on-premise, off-premise, third-party providers, and combinations of these options. Solutions are more complex, so it is important that businesses engage the services of a provider who understands the connectivity, data migrations, and application integration requirements. We have expanded our staff and resources to accommodate these clients.

What do you see happening with the business in the next five years? We see growth and expansion as a priority for our business in the coming years. Our clients drive this growth as technology is an important focus and competitive advantage for their businesses. Strategy and integration will become driving services in our business as well. Clients need a person within their technology team overseeing how business goals are meeting technology plans and budgets, maximizing ROI, and providing consulting services to better their business. We are addressing this role with an assigned Virtual CIO for CoreCare | Critical, or managed services, clients.

What is one of the biggest challenges that your company has faced? Growth is a challenge we’ve tackled the past few years as we’ve nearly doubled our staff and increased the services we offer. We worked hard at maintaining the company culture and client relationships in the midst of this growth. We are currently transitioning internal processes to adapt to new staff and management team members. Finalizing these processes will continue into next year.

What was the biggest turning point in your business? The decision to grow the company and then accomplish growth was our biggest turning point to date. We wanted to provide more services and opportunities for our clients; and we realized we would not be able to achieve this without growing the business. We moved to a new location and implemented some significant technology systems to benefit our clients as well. In addition, our new space is great for client educational sessions and events.

What is the most unique or interesting thing about your business that most people don’t know?  Most people don’t know we created SecureTech two years ago. It’s a division focused on networked video surveillance and access control, and cloud-based services. We merged with Security Systems Integrators to form the new division. Prior to this time, CoreTech was providing video surveillance systems to a number of clients. We saw a void in the marketplace for a team of security and IT experts working together to apply network and high-tech security systems knowledge to meet business needs. The merger brought this expertise together in-house.

The SecureTech client base consists of small to midsize, and enterprise clients as well. The exciting news for today’s small to midsize businesses is –by utilizing cloud technologies the company can take advantage of high-end security systems at a much lower cost. Business people have been very interested in talking to us about our proactive management systems and cloud technologies.