Free Tax Preparation Program Provides Meaningful Volunteer Experience, Education

The Omaha Earned Income Tax Credit Coalition ( is seeking volunteers for the coming 2018 tax season to serve as Site Navigators who welcome customers, conduct client in-take, and coordinate other services afforded to the public through the tax sites such as financial education seminars, opening bank accounts, and credit reporting.

The EITC Coalition coordinates the VITA program for the IRS in Omaha by offering volunteer recruitment and training, staffing the sites, and developing financial services available to the low to moderate income people who use the VITA sites.

The Coalition is a program of Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc. which offers financial education, housing services, and asset development programs that promote housing and financial stability.

Volunteers need not have any prior tax preparation training or experience. The Coalition’s training program is comprehensive and all inclusive. VITA sites are open from January 23, 2018 through April 17, 2018.

One-hour Volunteer Orientations are offered at Family Housing South Omaha, 3605 Q Street, on the following Wednesdays: November 29 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; January 3 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

For those interested in helping families save money at tax time, please contact the Omaha Earned Income Tax Credit at (402) 546-1013 Ext. 6208 or visit for more information.