Families Anonymous began meeting in Omaha for the first time in February. They will be meeting every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm at Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge Street in the Cornhusker Room. The Cornhusker Room is located on the 2nd floor of the south tower by the cafeteria.
Please email faomaha@yahoo.com or call (402) 968-8389 for more information.
Families Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems.
Your identity is protected in the meetings. Anonymity of members is paramount to the success of the program. Not only is anonymity an underlying principle of the program, but it is so important that it is part of their name.
For more information about Families Anonymous, please visit them on the web at www.familiesanonymous.org.