Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Goes Online
Even in the face of adversity Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands (BBBSM; is excited to announce that they will be moving many of their programs online. Due to the spread of COVID-19, BBBSM wants to ensure that kids and volunteers are able still mentor in the safest way possible. Beginning this month, the organization will make their information and training sessions available on their website. By making sessions available online, BBBSM will continue to find mentors for the 120+ kids on their waiting list.
In addition to moving those processes online, BBBSM is beginning to recruit mentors for their new online mentoring program, Mentor U. Through Mentor U, high school students are matched with mentors who offer valuable college and career support. It was created to help high school students develop personal, academic, and career skills by providing each student with a volunteer with experience in a variety of areas. The students and their mentee will engage in weekly college and career lessons online, and through electronically guided props, they can discuss a variety of topics together. With the option between community based mentoring and Mentor U, BBBSM will be able to ignite the potential of more youth within their reach.
For 60 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has strived for all youth in the program to reach their full potential. A Big Brother, Big Sister, or Big Couple provides youth with a sense of safety and security, emotional support, and social skill promotion. Bigs and Littles are matched based on common interests so they can have the benefit of doing activities together that they both enjoy. With a Big by their side, more Littles are discovering who they are and what they can achieve in life. Big Brothers Big Sisters is working to clear the path for youth’s biggest possible futures.
For more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands, go online to If you’re interested in Mentor U, contact the Mentor U Program Coordinator Sam Maxfield via email at