FAMILY, Inc. ( is pleased to announce it recently received notice of intent to award Title V funding for Child Health, Oral Health, and the 1st Five Healthy Mental Development, from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (IDHHS). Earlier this summer, FAMILY, Inc. was awarded funding from IDHHS for Maternal Health services for a five-year program period beginning October 1, 2022. FAMILY, Inc. has been the Title V provider for Pottawattamie and Mills counties since 2010 and the 1st Five provider for the same counties since 2016. FAMILY will proudly continue to serve Pottawattamie and Mills counties, as well as add Cass, Harrison, Monona, and Shelby counties to the service area for all four programs beginning January 2023.

Iowa’s Maternal Health Programs work to ensure optimal health for pregnant, birthing, and postpartum individuals, ensure more babies can celebrate their first birthday (prevent infant mortality), and improve birth outcomes.

The Child and Adolescent Health program promotes the health of children and adolescents through family-centered, community-based, and culturally sensitive programs.

The 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative builds partnerships between primary care practices and public health providers to enhance high quality well-child care. 1st Five promotes the use of developmental tools that support healthy mental development for young children during the first five years. Families with identified developmental concerns are referred to FAMILY, Inc. to connect them to community resources to support the development of their child.

To donate or volunteer with FAMILY, Inc., visit or call (712) 256-9566.