Greater Omaha Chamber to Host All Chamber Coffee & Contacts on January 15
To kick off the New Year with some new connections, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce ( has partnered with nearby chambers to host an All Chambers Together Coffee & Contacts at Attitude on Food and the Soirée Room, 7040 N. 102nd Cr., on Wednesday, January 15. The event will go from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Partnering chambers at this event include the Ashland Chamber of Commerce, Blair Area Chamber of Commerce, Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce, Fremont Area Chamber, Glenwood Area Chamber of Commerce, Greater Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce, Gretna Area Chamber of Commerce, Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce, Ralston Area Chamber of Commerce, Sarpy County Chamber of Commerce, and West O Chamber.
The All Chambers Together Coffee & Contacts is a tremendous way to connect with members of other area chambers of commerce, seek out some mutually-beneficial relationships, and get to know the host venue, Attitude on Food and the Soirée Room, all before your workday begins! There’s no cost for pre-registration but failure to register will result in a $5 cover at the door. Chamber members should register with their respective chambers.
The Greater Omaha Chamber works to improve Omaha’s business climate and create opportunities for business connections and member visibility. They regularly host networking events to allow Omaha’s business community of professionals to flourish. To register for the event through the Greater Omaha Chamber, go to For additional information, feel free to contact Kristy Fortenbury at or (402) 346-1150.