Best Card has appointed Dominic DiGiacomo vice president of sales for the company’s credit card processing/merchant services. DiGiacomo will lead Best Card’s efforts to provide superior service to businesses in the Omaha & Lincoln markets.

DiGiacomo is a principal investor of Best Card, but only recently joined the company in a full time role. He brings more than 11 years of experience in the payments industry to Best Card. DiGiacomo most recently served as business development manager for New York based Capital Access Network.

Best Card is a locally owned payment provider that specializes in credit card processing, gift & loyalty cards, working capital, and check services.  The company was founded in 2008 by Dominic and Mike DiGiacomo, a former television reporter, who also co-hosts the Morning Blend on KMTV, and a member of the local band, GroovePuppet.

For more information about Best Card, please visit them online at