As most people know, Brad Underwood and Scott Koethe both principals with REBC | The Real Estate Brokerage Company participated in the annual Mustaches For Kids event.  During the month of May, Brad and Scott grew mustaches to raise awareness and support for Camp CoHoLo. See the progression photos for both of these guys.

Camp CoHoLo is a summer camp for children with cancer and blood disorders.  Camp CoHoLo allows the kids to have a normal summer camp experience without risking their health.  They do this by having a full medical staff on hand to monitor the kids’ conditions and ensure their safety at all times.

Brad and Scott raised nearly $4,000 for Camp CoHoLo, and the Mustaches For Kids Omaha chapter as a whole raised just over $132,000, making Omaha the number one chapter in the United States, beating out New York, the next closest chapter by over $7,000.

For more information about Camp CoHoLo, please visit them online at