
Strictly Business is Omaha’s only monthly business news publication focused entirely on positive information and announcements for local organizations. It contains exclusive in-depth coverage of events, volunteer opportunities, new partnerships, milestone anniversaries, awards/recognitions, new programs/services, and so much more. Click here if you would like to submit an announcement about your business to be featured in Strictly Business.

Kids’ Chance of Nebraska Given $40K from Workers’ Compensation Association

Kids’ Chance of Nebraska Given $40K from Workers’ Compensation Association Kids’ Chance of Nebraska ( was recently presented with a generous donation of $40,000 from

2020-01-16T17:03:25-06:00December 1, 2019|Categories: Nonprofit|Click here for all press, reviews & features about |

Corn Belt Collegiate Baseball League Seeks Community Support for Golf Fundraiser

Corn Belt Collegiate Baseball League Seeks Community Support for Golf Fundraiser The Corn Belt Summer Collegiate Baseball League ( and MVP4Life will host their annual

2019-11-26T16:08:17-06:00December 1, 2019|Categories: Nonprofit|Click here for all press, reviews & features about , |
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